Sunday, March 16, 2008

iPod stolen!!!!!

It's been a while since I updated my blog.

Well, see I moved and now go to a new school. One day I rode the bus and a girl named Skyler sat across from me. When the time came to get off the bus and go into school I put my iPod in a secret pocket in my backpack. I continued throughout the school day and at around noon I went to my locker. It was then I realized my backpack had switched hooks. I didn't think anything of it, I just figured my locker neigbor was looking for something and moved it. Also at noon I had a doctor appointment, so I left for that and came back to school. After school I had basketball practice. After practice, I went to my locker to get my homework and leave.

I saw that my secret pocket had been found and... my iPod was gone! At first, I thought maybe I misplaced it, or I didn't put it in the right pocket or something. Then it hit me...... Skyler's name flashed through my mind like a bolt of lightning. I shared my deveastating information with a few fellow ball players. One said that her iPod was stolen as well. I was like "Oh jeazze!" I knew who took it, I could feel it in my gut... it was Skyler. One of my teamates said "Not to be mean but you're never gunna see it's long gone". When I got in the car to go home, I told my mom. I felt so bad because the iPod was $300 dollars and my mom bought it for me last year for my birthday. She was very sympathetic and understanding.

The Saturday after it happened, the Police Department called early in the morning. When I looked at the caller ID and it read Police Department, I thought to myself "Oh great what did I do, I just moved here." I answered the phone, a lady asked for me, and she said to me: "When We were on our way to Skyler's house last night to bust her for possession of drugs, we got a call saying that the principal of your school called and she thinks Skyler stole many if not all of the items missing from your school." I said "Ok" and she continued: "We got to her house and we think we found your iPod." I was like "Are you serious?!" I was so freaking happy! She asked I could come down to the station and identify that it's mine.

As soon as I got off the phone I ran upstairs to where my parents were and told them the potential good news. At about 10:30am, we went down to the police station and identified that the iPod was mine. The officer wrote my name down and as she did that I looked around the room and saw all the things that were gathered from Skyler's house. I saw an MP3 player, DVD's, Camera, and many other object I heard were missing. The officer told me that I was very lucky. If they wouldn't have went to Skyler's house that night, they think that my iPod and all of the other objects would have gone to the pawn shop first thing that morning.

A few weeks after I signed for my iPod, they recovered my headphones. My iPod case remains missing. I am very happpy that the iPod is back in my hands.

Also, over $200 dollars was stolen from many different people that same week, we believe it's the same girl but have no proof.

1 comment:

Meari said...
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