As a current update, life is definatley changed more than ever expected. I now am a sophomore at Kirkwood Community College studying Business Management with an emphasis in Human Resource management. I work 2 jobs and am no longer dating Dalton. My views toward many things have changed, but that is a whole other chapter. Enough of the boring stuff...
So August 23, 2011 my father got an OWI. Not seeming to be a big deal to some, but kind of a "cry" for help it seems. As for those who don't know my father at all, he has been on this roller coaster for God since he was a teen. With a lot of very high ups and some very low downs, my dad is who he is. Recently, he seemed to be on a "Jesus high", He went to church every Sunday, got involved in a men's ministry, and even met a lot of new new people at church and hung out outside the congregation. With all that "good" he seemed to kind of resit the church and fall to temptation of meeting girls and getting drunk at bars. He is legally still a married man, so you see my dilemma. My mother moved out of the house in November of 2010, ever since then my dad was "getting his life together" he claimed. He definatley had some weak points, as we all do. Don't get me wrong, he is a great man that loves the Lord. Just sometimes he gets a little confused. Since my mom left, he had also purchesed a memebership to the local Y and lost 15 pounds. Somthing he never thought he could do, and is keeping the weight off. The kicker you ask? He counters all this good with so much bad. I could for see this OWI, that sounds terrible, but it was bound to happen. He liked to drink and meet people, one of the ways he could open up..
The worst part of this whole situation in my opinion--he is pushing me away and blaming my mom. Which I hope it's clear to you as it is to me, that this is all entirely his responsibility and no ones fault but his own...
This life goes on each and everyday, more is sure to come, for now.. I have said my peace.
Nothing without Jesus, all for HIS Glory
Not Complete. Accepted.
The re-birth of a lost soul, blogging again to sort out the hectic life God has given her.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The weekend-a plethora of exciting things. :/
There always seems to some sort of Bad with all the Good that happens in life. It's like they are drawn to each other. Many things seem to either be snow balling or going up and down in my life. The Good-of course I love. The Bad-is not just bad, it's horrible. (Which I guess is a bias opinion.)
The best thing of the weekend was the NEW Justin Bieber Movie-Never Say Never <3
I really don't care what anyone else has to say about him or his sexuality-which is straight by the way. The kid is a phenomenal human being. He cares, he loves, he has God given talent that I am glad he shares with the world. His story is heart touching. His family, is supportive and loving in every way. He is a very blessed human being. I am happy for the kid. He's a star, currently he is 16 and one of the biggest sensations in the world.
Justin Drew Bieber
Born March 1, 1994-On a Tuesday
Worth: $66.5 Million Dollars
The Bad:
This weekend, a friend of mine informed me that one of my former best friends started a rumor about me.. This was kind of hard to believe, so like a good person I confirmed this statement with the accused. Turns out, the rumor had been started and the girl admitted to it instantly. Things like this make it so hard to trust the world. Getting pushed aside, shit on, treated like dirt, made fun of..only lasts for so long. I for one am sick of it. I have never been so hurt by someone then I was this past Friday night. It's one thing to make fun of a hair cut-not saying it's right-never the less..Some people don't know when to stop and many lines were crossed.
I am a bigger person. I am more respectful. I have the decency to look out for others and their feelings. It's painful. But life goes on, and God still loves each and everyone of us no matter what we do.
Love is...
Patient, kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it's not rude or self seeking. It is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
1 Corinthians 13:4-6
The best thing of the weekend was the NEW Justin Bieber Movie-Never Say Never <3
I really don't care what anyone else has to say about him or his sexuality-which is straight by the way. The kid is a phenomenal human being. He cares, he loves, he has God given talent that I am glad he shares with the world. His story is heart touching. His family, is supportive and loving in every way. He is a very blessed human being. I am happy for the kid. He's a star, currently he is 16 and one of the biggest sensations in the world.
Justin Drew Bieber
Born March 1, 1994-On a Tuesday
Worth: $66.5 Million Dollars
The Bad:
This weekend, a friend of mine informed me that one of my former best friends started a rumor about me.. This was kind of hard to believe, so like a good person I confirmed this statement with the accused. Turns out, the rumor had been started and the girl admitted to it instantly. Things like this make it so hard to trust the world. Getting pushed aside, shit on, treated like dirt, made fun of..only lasts for so long. I for one am sick of it. I have never been so hurt by someone then I was this past Friday night. It's one thing to make fun of a hair cut-not saying it's right-never the less..Some people don't know when to stop and many lines were crossed.
I am a bigger person. I am more respectful. I have the decency to look out for others and their feelings. It's painful. But life goes on, and God still loves each and everyone of us no matter what we do.
Love is...
Patient, kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it's not rude or self seeking. It is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth.
1 Corinthians 13:4-6
Monday, February 7, 2011
Life changes so so much..
November 4, 2010. Not that long ago, yet seems like it has been years. Since then many things have changes. Things I thought were good and blessed by God, have gone down the drain. Friends have gone, relationships have started and school has once again begun and in full force. Writing about all that has happened in the past 3 months is not an option...I would be writing for days.
The feelings I have right now have no word to describe them. I have so many questions. So many thoughts.
Will we ever have the same beliefs?
Will we ever feel the same about life and what to make of it?
If I gaurd my heart, I will never be loved. When I put it out there..I feel like it's going to get crushed.
Too much..
The feelings I have right now have no word to describe them. I have so many questions. So many thoughts.
Will we ever have the same beliefs?
Will we ever feel the same about life and what to make of it?
If I gaurd my heart, I will never be loved. When I put it out there..I feel like it's going to get crushed.
Too much..
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Recap on the past 2 years...
So much has happened. Where to start... Well in these past 2 years I have met my biological father, he moved into my life very quickly and married my mother. Before that is of no importance to me, so it will not be discussed...The summer before my sophomore year of high school my world was turned upside down. I was forced against my will to move to Menominee...which is a super tiny "township" geographically located between Galena and East Dubuque. A lot occurred while in high school, nothing to exciting. (what really does) I spent 3 lovely years at Galena high the high school life. Not exactly living up to my religious values or potential for that matter. May 23, 2010. Graduation day. Summer-work.vacation, which was very much needed.-work. College. August 12, 2010. Moved in. <3 THE best thing that could have ever happened. College has officially been going on for almost 11 weeks and so many life altering events have occurred. In sequential order here they are:
1. Met my forever BEST friend.: Jordan Marie Heikens
2. Discovered that Kirkwood's "roommate finder" isn't all that accurate. :/
3. Got myself into things that are much to displeasing to God to discuss.
4. Ran into many young attractive men.end of story.
5.Acquired an AMAZING job at the admission office.-I absolutely LOVE the people I work with.
6. God, who is amazing BTW, introduced me to a Church called "The Bridge"
7. Introduced to The Core and FCA <3
8. Totaled Bonnie. RIP.
9. Met an amazing person....
10. Started "21 Day's to create a NEW GOOD habit"experiment
My life=a work in progress..almost as if it were under construction.
It is great to be back in this lovely word of the blog.----->Stress relief :).
All for the Glory of God
Rachel </>
1. Met my forever BEST friend.: Jordan Marie Heikens
2. Discovered that Kirkwood's "roommate finder" isn't all that accurate. :/
3. Got myself into things that are much to displeasing to God to discuss.
4. Ran into many young attractive men.end of story.
5.Acquired an AMAZING job at the admission office.-I absolutely LOVE the people I work with.
6. God, who is amazing BTW, introduced me to a Church called "The Bridge"
7. Introduced to The Core and FCA <3
8. Totaled Bonnie. RIP.
9. Met an amazing person....
10. Started "21 Day's to create a NEW GOOD habit"experiment
My life=a work in progress..almost as if it were under construction.
It is great to be back in this lovely word of the blog.----->Stress relief :).
All for the Glory of God
Rachel </>
Sunday, March 16, 2008
iPod stolen!!!!!
It's been a while since I updated my blog.
Well, see I moved and now go to a new school. One day I rode the bus and a girl named Skyler sat across from me. When the time came to get off the bus and go into school I put my iPod in a secret pocket in my backpack. I continued throughout the school day and at around noon I went to my locker. It was then I realized my backpack had switched hooks. I didn't think anything of it, I just figured my locker neigbor was looking for something and moved it. Also at noon I had a doctor appointment, so I left for that and came back to school. After school I had basketball practice. After practice, I went to my locker to get my homework and leave.
I saw that my secret pocket had been found and... my iPod was gone! At first, I thought maybe I misplaced it, or I didn't put it in the right pocket or something. Then it hit me...... Skyler's name flashed through my mind like a bolt of lightning. I shared my deveastating information with a few fellow ball players. One said that her iPod was stolen as well. I was like "Oh jeazze!" I knew who took it, I could feel it in my gut... it was Skyler. One of my teamates said "Not to be mean but you're never gunna see it's long gone". When I got in the car to go home, I told my mom. I felt so bad because the iPod was $300 dollars and my mom bought it for me last year for my birthday. She was very sympathetic and understanding.
The Saturday after it happened, the Police Department called early in the morning. When I looked at the caller ID and it read Police Department, I thought to myself "Oh great what did I do, I just moved here." I answered the phone, a lady asked for me, and she said to me: "When We were on our way to Skyler's house last night to bust her for possession of drugs, we got a call saying that the principal of your school called and she thinks Skyler stole many if not all of the items missing from your school." I said "Ok" and she continued: "We got to her house and we think we found your iPod." I was like "Are you serious?!" I was so freaking happy! She asked I could come down to the station and identify that it's mine.
As soon as I got off the phone I ran upstairs to where my parents were and told them the potential good news. At about 10:30am, we went down to the police station and identified that the iPod was mine. The officer wrote my name down and as she did that I looked around the room and saw all the things that were gathered from Skyler's house. I saw an MP3 player, DVD's, Camera, and many other object I heard were missing. The officer told me that I was very lucky. If they wouldn't have went to Skyler's house that night, they think that my iPod and all of the other objects would have gone to the pawn shop first thing that morning.
A few weeks after I signed for my iPod, they recovered my headphones. My iPod case remains missing. I am very happpy that the iPod is back in my hands.
Also, over $200 dollars was stolen from many different people that same week, we believe it's the same girl but have no proof.
Well, see I moved and now go to a new school. One day I rode the bus and a girl named Skyler sat across from me. When the time came to get off the bus and go into school I put my iPod in a secret pocket in my backpack. I continued throughout the school day and at around noon I went to my locker. It was then I realized my backpack had switched hooks. I didn't think anything of it, I just figured my locker neigbor was looking for something and moved it. Also at noon I had a doctor appointment, so I left for that and came back to school. After school I had basketball practice. After practice, I went to my locker to get my homework and leave.
I saw that my secret pocket had been found and... my iPod was gone! At first, I thought maybe I misplaced it, or I didn't put it in the right pocket or something. Then it hit me...... Skyler's name flashed through my mind like a bolt of lightning. I shared my deveastating information with a few fellow ball players. One said that her iPod was stolen as well. I was like "Oh jeazze!" I knew who took it, I could feel it in my gut... it was Skyler. One of my teamates said "Not to be mean but you're never gunna see it's long gone". When I got in the car to go home, I told my mom. I felt so bad because the iPod was $300 dollars and my mom bought it for me last year for my birthday. She was very sympathetic and understanding.
The Saturday after it happened, the Police Department called early in the morning. When I looked at the caller ID and it read Police Department, I thought to myself "Oh great what did I do, I just moved here." I answered the phone, a lady asked for me, and she said to me: "When We were on our way to Skyler's house last night to bust her for possession of drugs, we got a call saying that the principal of your school called and she thinks Skyler stole many if not all of the items missing from your school." I said "Ok" and she continued: "We got to her house and we think we found your iPod." I was like "Are you serious?!" I was so freaking happy! She asked I could come down to the station and identify that it's mine.
As soon as I got off the phone I ran upstairs to where my parents were and told them the potential good news. At about 10:30am, we went down to the police station and identified that the iPod was mine. The officer wrote my name down and as she did that I looked around the room and saw all the things that were gathered from Skyler's house. I saw an MP3 player, DVD's, Camera, and many other object I heard were missing. The officer told me that I was very lucky. If they wouldn't have went to Skyler's house that night, they think that my iPod and all of the other objects would have gone to the pawn shop first thing that morning.
A few weeks after I signed for my iPod, they recovered my headphones. My iPod case remains missing. I am very happpy that the iPod is back in my hands.
Also, over $200 dollars was stolen from many different people that same week, we believe it's the same girl but have no proof.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
*~My iPod~*

My iPod is great! I got it for my birthday and it is a 30gig Video. I also got an itunes gift card that I can buy movies and songs! I bought Pirates of the Caribbean (curse of the black pearl)and I got a couple songs. I LOVE it! But that is about it! It is black and It was very expensive but worth it! So buy one if you got a pretty penny to spare!
Friday, March 2, 2007

If you have heard anything different. They are WRONG! Me and reading are like cats and dogs. If you didn't know cats and dogs don't mix well and neither do we. I loath reading just as much as reading loathes me! Oh yea and if you think you are slick, books for that matter are not any better than reading! The only thing i actually read is Sports Illustrated and the Series of Unfortunate events. But those don't count!!( Anya this is mainly directed to you!!!) LOL
Dedication to Anyaximum Ride

THIS IS THE HOTTEST GUY ON THE PLANET!!!!! This is a dedication to show you how much you actually LOVE Channing Tatum. You know just as much as i do that he is hot. At this moment in time you do not realize it but a one time it will hit you and BAM! You will think that too! But I guess until that happens this will stay on my blog!!!
PS. Once you face the facts, it will make you feel so much better!!

Snow is great! We have about 5 inches of snow and a lot of wind! Today we had our 4th snow day! I am guessing we got out because of the bad drifts. But today i went out and played in the snow with my dog. It was fun. I chased here all over and threw snowballs at her. I was great fun! I also attempted to make a snow fort but under about 3 inches of snow there was only ice!! But over all it was fun and now my dog is sleeping.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Cornerstone Festival

Cornerstone is this giant christian festival of christian bands from disco to hard rock. I didn't get to attend last year but this year it just so happens that I got a FREE pass to go. I am pretty sure it is down by Peoria, IL. I hope it Rocks out loud!! It will be happening from June 23rd-July 1st! A whole week! Please If you are a christian or any other religion then please feel free to pray for the whole group that is going!

The basketball season this past year was good. It could of been better in so many ways but we got through it. I want to congratulate Aquin on their confrence victory! I play on average of 2 minitues per game and scored aproximatly 14 points. I could of done alot better also! Well it was my freshman year and I still have 3 more to go so I am looking forward to it.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
In Search of Another Friend
The search for another dog was very interesting. My aunt read in the paper about this professional pom breeder in Rockford, Illinois. So we called her up and set up a time to see the pups. Well we went out looking for a decent house with some sort of play pen for dogs. But to our dismay we ended up at an old run down house with is very steep drive way. We parked the car in the drive and put on the emergency brake just in case, so the car wouldn't roll backwards.(That is how steep it was) Well we went up to the house and saw an air conditioner, and thinking to myself,"yes, it is nice and cool inside." An older woman answered the door. We walked in and all the sudden I couldn't breathe! There were so many dogs in little baby play pens and the smell of cats, must, And mildew, it was overpowering. After we looked at the dogs awhile we left. I get back to the car and I told my aunt I couldn't breathe the whole time I was in there, and she said the same. We left disappointed and hard of breathing.
P.S. If you were wondering, it wasn't cool inside. It was just as hot as outside.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I'm A Band Geek

Yes, the title is correct. I am in the band! It is more fun then you probably think. We march in parades... We play at football games... We play at basketball games... We play at school assemblies. We also do concerts in the winter and spring. There are a lot of other things on the side like practices, IMEA auditions and sometimes if you are lucky you get to play in the school productions. But most of all it is the passion!
Celeste is my fluff ball of joy. She is my aunt's dog, but when I go to visit she is always excited to see me. She is my aunt's second pomerainian. Claire, my aunt's first pom was killed by one of my friend's dogs about 3 years ago. Celeste is just as good and very playful, and she never stops. I think the funniest thing about pomeranians is that when they get a bath, or get wet they look like little drenched rats! If you have never seen them, my advice to you is to do so before you get to the age where you can't laugh anymore! LOL

My Doggie

My dog's name is Ava. I got her from an animal hospital about a half hour from where I live. She is now about 2yrs old and I got her 2005. The animal shelter found her tied her to a bridge. The shelter thought because she was small, she was probably the runt of the litter. Two weeks later my mom visited the shelter and fell in love. After I heard Ava's story, I felt like a super hero. I was proud because we got Ava within hours of her death. We saved her! So please, whenever you go past a shelter, just stop in and look and maybe if you are lucky a little puppy or kitty will catch your eye! Then you can be an amazing super hero just like me. (Well maybe not as good!) LOL
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I am 63% Stupid
How stupid are you? Take this test and let me know if you scored higher than me.
1. [X] I have walked into a glass/screen door.
2. [ ] I have tripped on my shoelace and fallen.
3. [X] I have choked on my own spit.
4. [ ] I've seen the Matrix a bunch of times and still don't get it.
5. [ ] I type only with my pointer fingers.
6. [X] I have caught something on fire.
7. [ ] I've told a cop to buzz off and gotten screwed for it.
8. [ ] I have attempted to sip out of a straw but it accidently went into
my nose, rather than my mouth.
9. [X] I have thought of something funny that happened yesterday, and
laughed out loud and people looked at me weird.
10. [X] I've caught myself drooling.
11. [ ] I've accidentally caused an explosion.
12. [X] If someone says the word "fart", I can't help but laugh.
13. [ ] I've been into a "Do Not Enter" one way road plenty of times.
14. [X] Sometimes I just...stop thinking, & zone out.
15. [ ] Is it POSSIBLE to lick your elbow?
16. [X] I just tryed to lick my elbow.
17. [X] People often shake their heads and walk away from me.
18. [X] People often tell me to use my "inside voice"
19. [X] Gum has fallen out of my mouth while talking.
20. [X] I use my fingers to do simple math.
21. [X] I've jumped off a moving bicycle.
22. [ ] I ate a bug for $5 or less.
23. [X] I'm taking this test when I should be doing something more
24. [ ] I repost chain letters because I'm scared of what they threaten
will happen if I don't.
25. [X] I've removed my pants when I was with friends.
26. [ ] I've ran around naked when I was with friends.
27. [X] I've searched all over the place for something, and then realized
it was in my hand the whole time.
28. [X] I break a lot of things.
29. [X ] My friends know not to use big words on me.
30. [X] I put my head to the side when I'm confused.
31. [X] Sometimes I start telling a story and suddenly forget what I'm
talking about.
32. [X] I've fallen out of my chair before.
33. [ ] When I'm laying in bed, I sometimes stare at the ceiling and try to
find pictures and words in the texture.
Tally up your number of x's. MULTIPLY THAT NUMBER BY 3 TO GET YOUR PERCENTAGE. Repost this as "I am __% stupid."
My Favorite Things

The quilt my aunt and I are making consists of my old favorite t-shirts and fabric from some of the homemade clothes that were made for me when I was younger. It also consists of things I enjoy like basketball, Scooby-Doo, Nike, youth group, and favorite jeans. The plain and patterned squares are of colors that interest me and brighten up the quilt.
On The Defensive

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